3 Things You Need To Know About Being Approached By The Police

Being arrested for a crime can be very scary, especially if it is your first time being in trouble with the law. Many people don't understand how the criminal justice system works so they make costly mistakes. Here are some things you need to know so that you can protect yourself. 1. Just Because You Have Been Arrested Doesn't Mean You Have Been Charged It is important to know that just because you have been arrested it doesn't mean that you have actually been charged of a crime.

A Couple Of Common Questions About Facing DUI Charges

Making the mistake of driving following drinking alcoholic beverages can carry a number of serious consequences including criminal charges. Sadly, there are many people that may not fully understand what they should expect or how they should respond to these criminal charges. Fortunately, it is possible to have the following couple of DUI questions answered so that you can be better prepared to face these charges. Should You Just Have The Courts Appoint A Lawyer For You?

Why You Need A Lawyer If You've Been Asked To Take A Polygraph For A DUI

If you have been charged with a DUI, you may be asked to take a lie detector test, also called a polygraph. While most states do not accept the results of a lie detector test as evidence in court, the tests are still used by law enforcement agencies nationwide for helping them determine a person's innocence. Lie detector tests are used by both state and federal law enforcement agencies. If you have been asked to take a lie detector test because of a DUI charge, find out here why you need to hire an a DUI defense lawyer, such as R.

Possible Plea Options For An Assault Charge

In many criminal cases, it's not uncommon to be offered a plea deal. A charge of assault is no exception to this rule. While the term plea deal is common, the average person has very little understanding of what they actually entail.  If you have been charged with assault and are considering a plea, make sure you understand what's ahead. Plea With Jail Time A plea with jail time is probably the least favorable of all options.

The Legality Of Warrantless Blood Tests: DUI/DWI Laws Have Undergone A Major Shift Due To A New Supreme Court Ruling

On June 23, 2016, the Supreme Court handed down a ruling that will affect a number of pending DUI/DWI cases in the United States, and it will definitely affect how cases are handled in the future. Learn more about what the ruling could mean for you now and in the future. What does the new ruling on blood tests say? The Supreme Court's ruling essentially says that warrantless blood draws on people suspected of drunk driving isn't legal.