3 Possible Defenses For Your Domestic Violence Case

If you have been accused of domestic violence, you'll need to hire a domestic violence attorney to represent and defend you. In order to help you preserve your reputation and your freedom, your attorney will come up with a plan for defending you in court. There are a lot of different defenses that can be used for domestic violence cases, depending on the situation. These are some of the possible defenses that could work for your case.

Keys To Follow When Handling Your Child Custody Situation

If you're divorced, separated from, or not in a relationship with the mother or father of your child, child custody often becomes an issue. When you're trying to stay in your child's life, keep in mind that this doesn't always happen without you taking matters into your own hands. This means touching base with a child custody attorney to help you in the fight.  Before you get too stressed out, and to learn what is required of you with these situations, read the following tips.

Handling The Legal Issues That Come With Real Estate Transactions

While buying real estate is a complicated financial transaction, it will also involve a number of legal issues that will need to be managed. This can be an aspect of these transactions that is often misunderstood. What Types Of Legal Issues Can Arise When Buying Property? Some of the most common issues that will arise with real estate purchases will be disputes related to the title. For example, it can be possible for liens or other claims and holds to be in place on the title.

What's the Difference Between a Felony and a Misdemeanor?

If you have been arrested and charged for a crime, the type or strength of the charges matters—especially when it comes to deciding how you want to plead for your actions and what type of punishment you can expect from the criminal legal system. Many people do not understand the severity of some criminal actions and how those actions will be viewed by a judge or jury. Here, you can learn about the difference between a felony and misdemeanor and what that difference means for you.

How To Avoid Going To Jail For DUI

If there is one thing that people fear, it is the prospect of going to jail after being found guilty of a crime. Here are a few tips to help you avoid jail time when accused of driving under the influence (DUI): Whether Your Charges Attract Minimum Penalties Most jurisdictions specify minimum penalties for specific crimes. For example, you may find that receiving three DUI convictions within a span of five years attracts a mandatory minimum incarceration period of six months.